The reason why men tend to fall quickly may be because they are the ones who are termed as the hunters and would want to date as much as possible. Whereas, women prefer a long term relationship and stability; maybe because of that they tend to postpone love. Men get all excited at the thought of being in a relationship, while women thought a lot before actually committing to one person. ALSO READ These are the 10 best dating apps for Android and Iphone in India that you must try! Regardless of what this study says, give love a chance any way. It doesn’t matter who says the three letter word first. What matters is your feelings and your surety of that person. Do not end up committing to the wrong person. Take all your time and be sure of the person you want to be with. Once this stage is clear, you can go ahead and tell how much you love him/her. Loved this story? Like our Facebook page to read more such articles. Also, share your comments below. We would love to hear from you!
Friday, February 24, 2017
Shocking! According to a recent study, men tend to fall in love quicker than women!
The reason why men tend to fall quickly may be because they are the ones who are termed as the hunters and would want to date as much as possible. Whereas, women prefer a long term relationship and stability; maybe because of that they tend to postpone love. Men get all excited at the thought of being in a relationship, while women thought a lot before actually committing to one person. ALSO READ These are the 10 best dating apps for Android and Iphone in India that you must try! Regardless of what this study says, give love a chance any way. It doesn’t matter who says the three letter word first. What matters is your feelings and your surety of that person. Do not end up committing to the wrong person. Take all your time and be sure of the person you want to be with. Once this stage is clear, you can go ahead and tell how much you love him/her. Loved this story? Like our Facebook page to read more such articles. Also, share your comments below. We would love to hear from you!
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
Saturday, December 17, 2016
Thursday, December 15, 2016
Saturday, July 2, 2016
What is solar gasoline?
The sun provides more than enough energy for all of our needs; in fact, just an hour's worth of sunlight on our planet potentially has enough energy for the entire Earth to use for a year, but the hard part is harnessing it to be able to use it effectively. Companies and researchers are hard at work to make that a reality though.
Solar gasoline is the name for fuel that has been created through a synthetic process using solar-powered technology. The gasoline is often referred to as synthetic gas, or syngas. There are several ways to create solar gasoline, and not all of them are particularly cost-effective compared to regular gasoline, but a few technologies are actually producing solar gasoline that may be a viable option for vehicles in the future. Read More